Pickled Parables

Pickled Parables is a Bible teaching podcast where we partner with Bible teachers to explore the Bible. Listen to pastors, professors, counselors, evangelists, and Bible scholars share their studies and meditations.

Anxiety Jesse Turkington Anxiety Jesse Turkington

Ep. 85 | Worry and Anxiety

Anxiety and worry can be prevalent in our day. But what do the words of Jesus speak to on this topic? Hunter looks at a section on the sermon on the mount to get footing on the subject.

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Jesse Turkington Jesse Turkington

Ep. 82 | A Biblical Theology of Poverty and Wealth

In a big picture view of the Bible, Bradley Trull traces the idea of wealth and poverty to gain a Biblical Theology of how we as Christians can view and interact with our abundance and, more importantly, reflect on the faith that motivates us to use it well.

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Jesse Turkington Jesse Turkington

Ep. 81 | Why Christians Should Go to Church

Followers of Christ are called to meet together. But, how do we answer the litany of reasons we have to avoid or miss being a part of a church. Christians are the Church, and should be a part of a local church for the benefit of their spiritual lives and the building up of other believers.

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Evangelism Jesse Turkington Evangelism Jesse Turkington

Ep. 80 | The Spark of Evangelism

Christian evangelism is a crucial part of the life of the believer. To understand what it is, we must also understand what it is not. Finally, evangelizing in the Spirit and in the power of God is the only option for real, effective evangelism.

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Jesse Turkington Jesse Turkington

Ep. 79 | Running to God

When faced with many trials, we are faced with a choice. We can be frustrated and angry and turn from God, or we can count it all joy and run to God. Running to God is a habit, and takes Christians responding by seeking God.

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