Ep. 75 | 2 Peter Part 1: Living Your Calling (2 Peter 1)

Speaker: Hunter Hoover

Summary: Pickled Parables Presents: A Study of 1 and 2 Peter. Part 11: Living Your Calling.

Peter introduces his second letter to the dispersed believers by challenging them with 2 ideas. Live lives worthy of the Jesus who saved you. Cling to the credibility of the promises of God and his Scriptures.
Scriptures Explored: 2 Peter 1; Matthew 17:1-8; Psalm 119:105
Hunter grew up in Montana and now serves the Church in Albany Oregon where he works as a youth and young adults pastor. He and his wife Ana stay busy with two kids. Hunter loves studying the Bible and communicating it in a way which encourages further exploration of others.
Music created by Chad Hoffman
Artwork created by Anthony Kuenzi


Ep. 76 | 2 Peter Part 2: False vs Faithful Teachers (2 Peter 2)


Ep. 74 | 1 Peter Part 10: Peter Bids Farewell (For Now) (1 Peter 5)