Pickled Parables
Pickled Parables is a Bible teaching podcast where we partner with Bible teachers to explore the Bible. Listen to pastors, professors, counselors, evangelists, and Bible scholars share their studies and meditations.
Episode Archive
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- 2 Samuel 1
- Anxiety 1
- Biblical Worldview 1
- Book of Ecclesiastes 1
- Book of Job 1
- Christmas 3
- Denominations 3
- Epistle of 1 John 9
- Epistle of 1 Peter 12
- Epistle of 2 Peter 4
- Epistle of Colossians 3
- Epistle of James 9
- Evangelism 3
- Galatians 19
- God and Sinners 8
- Gospel 1
- Gospel of John 6
- Grief 1
- Hypocrisy 1
- Image of God 1
- Intro Series 5
- Parable Portraits 4
- Parables 1
- Pickled Chats 13
- Prayer 2
- Proverbs 1
- Psalms 1
- Special Message 1
- Temple 1
- Testimony 1
- The Bible 1
- The Do Not's 3
Browse All Bible Teachers
Ep. 72 | 1 Peter Part 8: God Gives Grace, He Receives Glory (1 Peter 4:1-11)
God gives believers grace to endure suffering, and in return, is brought glory through their testimony.
Ep. 71 | 1 Peter Part 7: Baptism as a Symbol for... Suffering? (1 Peter 3:18-22)
Often when we think of baptism, we think of the victory we have in Jesus, but Peter suggests it has a lot to do with suffering as well.
Ep. 70 | 1 Peter Part 6: Zealous for What is Good (1 Peter 3:8-17)
Hunter continues to discuss the nature of suffering in the life of a Christian as it relates to their call to do what is right. In short, it both produces and requires zeal.
Ep. 69 | 1 Peter Part 5: Household Witness (1 Peter 2:16-3:7)
Jesse Turkington explores Peter's strategy of living a representative life in the midst of the world's cultures.
Ep. 68 | 1 Peter Part 4: Authority Under God (1 Peter 2:13-17)
Jesse Turkington offers a straightforward meditation on this famous passage. How should we submit to worldly authorities in view of our heavenly citizenship?
Ep. 67 | 1 Peter Part 3: A Call to Christian Conduct (Holiness) (1 Peter 1:13-2:12)
Michael Tourtellotte continues the study of 1 Peter by discussing the conduct of Christians. How should we live in light of our hope, despite being in the midst of a culture of sin?
Ep. 66 | 1 Peter Part 2: A Living Hope and Genuine Faith (1 Peter 1:3-12)
Hunter Hoover shares regarding Peter's message about the hope we have in Jesus. If Jesus is living, then the hope we have in him is as well. Likewise, the living hope we have makes us able to endure many trials, resulting in a genuine faith.
Ep. 65 | 1 Peter Part 1: Introduction to Peter (1 Peter 1:1-2)
Jesse Turkington shares the background, context and audience for Peter's letters in the opening section of 1 Peter. Peter wrote to a group called the elect exiles. We today face a challenge of living as elect exiles waiting for the kingdom.
Ep. 64 | The Testimony of Chicho Martin
Welcome to Parable Portraits! Come listen to every day saints share their testimonies of God’s goodness. Today Pastor Chicho Martin has come to share his life story and how God has demonstrate His faithfulness throughout it!
Ep. 63 | God's Faithfulness in Christmas
A lot happened between the end of the Old Testament and the beginning of the New. This time period sets the stage for the birth of the Savior and serves to remind us of God's faithfulness.
Ep. 62 | Women of Faith: Rahab and Ruth
Claire Roth shares about two women whose faith included them in the family and people of God.
Ep. 61 | Elijah: Truth Triumphs Over Liars
Noah and Alex take a look at the prophet Elijah. They discuss the context of the people of Israel leading up to the prophet's ministry, how God used Elijah, and what we can learn from Elijah's adherence to the truth in the face of opposition.
Ep. 60 | Holiness is Not an Option
When God calls his people to holiness, it is for their good and out of love for them. God desires to dwell with us, and holiness is not an option.
Ep. 59 | Resolving Paul’s Dilemma Between the Good and the Best
When believers are faced with the choice of two God-honoring choices, we find an opportunity to make a discerning decision that is characterized by a desire to do the most good for the gospel.
Ep. 58 | Christian Community
RJ Olstead shares about how God uses Christian Community to grow his people and expand his kingdom.
Ep. 57 | The Testimony of Lannie Eels
Introducing Parable Portraits! Come listen to every day saints share their testimonies of God’s goodness.
Today Lannie Eels has come to share his testimony of salvation. Rejoice with us as he details God’s pursuit and his continued revelation!
Ep. 56 | Five Ways God Tames Our Tongue
Elijah Olander shares insights from the Scripture about how God can help sanctify us, specifically how we use our words.
Ep. 55 | Biblical Theology and the God of Grace and Justice
Michael Tourtellotte shares about Biblical Theology and how this approach to the Bible can help us gain a better picture of who God is and what the whole Bible is about.
Ep. 54 | Mere Manhood
Michael Rogers has come to share about the calling of man. What is Man before God and as image bearers within the world?
Ep. 53 | Reflections on Light
Hunter Hoover has come to share about the use of Light and its meaning in the Bible.