Ep. 63 | God's Faithfulness in Christmas

Speaker: Hunter Hoover

Summary: The Old Testament closed out with Malachi's prophecy of the Day of the LORD and a coming prophet. Then, Israel experienced an extended period of waiting. When God breaks his silence, he announces that he is coming in the form of a baby. Merry Christmas!
Scripture Explored: Haggai 1:2-9; Haggai 2:3-9; Malachi 4:1-6; Luke 1:5-45, 57-79
Hunter grew up in Montana and now serves the Church in Albany Oregon where he works as a youth and young adults pastor. He and his wife Ana stay busy with two kids. Hunter loves studying the Bible and communicating it in a way which encourages further exploration of others.



Music created by Chad Hoffman
Artwork created by Anthony Kuenzi


Ep. 64 | The Testimony of Chicho Martin


Ep. 62 | Women of Faith: Rahab and Ruth