A Bible Teaching Resource for Curious Christians
Listen to our free audio-based podcasts to learn more about the Bible.
Available Podcasts
Pickled Parables is a Bible teaching podcast about taking in and living out the Bible. We partner with several different Bible teachers to study, contemplate and testify to the Bible’s incredible teachings and explore how it leads us to live a better life.
Pickled Parables
My Dusty Bible is a podcast about opening up and understanding the books of the Bible. With the goal of reading the Bible comprehensively, each episode is a full reading of a book the Bible - from start to finish.
My Dusty Bible
Commentaries is a podcast where we observe the Bible paragraph by paragraph. By slowly walking though the books of the Bible we are able to observe the wonderful intricacies of God’s Word.
What is Parable Ministries?
Parable is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit built from the ground up with a passion for the Bible and Christian practice. We encourage Christian fellowship across denominations and highly value the different perspectives of learned scholars. We prioritize audio-based podcasts to provide resources and encouragement for our wide-spread audience. Read more about Parable here.
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What are Podcasts?
A podcast is a series of audio or video files that are available for download or streaming over the internet. Podcasts are often like talk radio shows but made available in digital format for internet access.
Radio took the world by storm in the early 1900's and podcasts became the natural next step. As they found their way into the public eye during the early 2000’s, podcasts have only grown in popularity. While podcasts have not replaced radio, they often serve a different audience. Radio is ideal for people who have poor internet access and podcasts typically serve those who want a more customized experience.
Unlike radio, podcasts are able to be downloaded, paused, listened and re-listened to at any time. Thus podcasts are an excellent choice for Bible lessons.
What Does Parable Ministries Do?
Parable Ministries is a Bible teaching resource for Christians who want to learn more about the Bible. Starting its first podcast in 2020, Parable emphasizes the importance of Biblical literacy and the benefit of different informed perspectives. Parable works with Bible teachers (pastors, professors, evangelists, Bible counselors, seminary students) who have put in the work to responsibly share their studies and meditations.
As of 2025, Parable has grown into a successful audio-based ministry serving audience members in over 50 countries. We currently offer three podcasts that each work to inform and edify the listener in Biblical awareness. We have dreams of achieving more milestones and growing into new areas. But we are conscious of the dangers that can come from rapid growth, so we prioritize goals on a yearly basis.
Parable is only successful because of our partnered churches and individuals. Thank you to all who support our mission! If you would like to join our support team, please see our Parable Partners Program for more details.
Parable Partners Program
The Parable Partners Program is the backbone of our ministry. It is a collection of partners and volunteers who help Parable Ministries thrive.
Absolutely! We would love to have you partner with us. We are in need of more financial partners, prayer partners, and Bible teaching partners.